Why have an All-Glass Birdbath, End Table, Lamp or Plant Stand?

Because it’s sturdy and functional but mostly for the beauty.
All Glass Birdbaths

Handcrafted Birdbaths, End Tables, Lamp & Plant Stands made with Repurposed Ceramic, Metal & Glassware.

The state bird of Missouri is the Eastern Bluebird, one of Gods most beautiful creations. It’s my tribute to Him and his creations I dedicate my craft

Birdbaths are for us as much as they are for our winged friends. Watching the birds is a relaxing way to pass an afternoon. And adding a fountain may just put you to sleep it’s so tranquil.

Are you like me? A Jack of many crafts but a master of few? You start one project only to become distracted by the shiny new one you saw online yesterday. That was me…. until I started making birdbaths.

I love assembling found art glass and glassware into beautiful birdbaths, end tables, plant or lamp stands and in general, Yard Art.

This craft has become my passion. It marries my love of thrift stores and crafting functional art. Yard Art…. Yart!

Each birdbath is unique unto itself. No two will ever be the same. Similar sometimes, but never the same. That’s why the prices vary. For example, blue and red art glass is much more expensive than clear glass and the prices will reflect it.

I also have a variety of containers to put birdseed in for you. Some shaped like leaves, birds, shells or fish. They are perfect for feeding the birds by placing them in the center of the birdbath with birdseed inside. I have marble and granite tiles to put under the birdbath to help you with the placement to keep the base stable and level in the yard.

Yes, they are made of all glassware making them fragile but they are remarkably sturdy. They are assembled with high strength clear epoxy that permanently joins the pieces together. The glass will fail before the epoxy will. However, I would advise that you don’t leave the birdbath or angel in a 160° car all day in the hot Missouri or Kansas sun. Excessive sustained heat of that magnitude may compromise the epoxy and any stress on the epoxy joined areas may loosen to the point of separation. But rest assured, the normal weather we get in the Midwest will NOT cause any damage to the Birdbaths or Angels.

Moving and the general handling of the birdbath can be tricky. Many are heavy and need to be picked up where the center of gravity is greatest. Picking it up by the top is the worst way of all and will likely break the bowl. And where you plan to display it needs to be level enough to keep it from rocking. The wind can be an issue if it’s blows over near concrete or stone. It will likely break if not surrounded by grass or mulch. I’ve kept mine in the grass on the front lawn all year long. Yes, even through the winter cold snap that dipped to 5 degrees below zero for days on end without incidents of cracking or fogging.

Unfortunately, shipping isn’t an option at this time. Picking up in person is the only way to purchase my birdbaths. I’ll be happy to meet you halfway if it will help. (as long as you don’t live in California, or New York! Within reason anyway. (However I’m always looking for a reason to drive to Florida!)

Find us in Internet Space:

On Twitter: @BluebirdBaths
On Truth: @BluebirdBirdbaths
On Facebook: @BluebirdBirdbaths
On Rumble: @MissouriBluebirdBaths
On Parler: @BluebirdBirdbaths
On Pintrest: @BluebirdBirdbaths

🇺🇸by The Miller Family🇺🇸

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